b"Paid contentSimilarly, natural gas prices, which fell into negativePetroLMIs reliance on company capital and operatingSimilarly, natural gas prices, which fell into negativePetroLMIs reliance on company capital and operating territory in the summer of 2018, will continue to beexpenditure forecasts to accurately project the industrysterritory in the summer of 2018, will continue to beexpenditure forecasts to accurately project the industrys Similarly, natural gas prices, which fell into negativePetroLMIs reliance on company capital and operating discounted until pipeline bottlenecks are addressedworkforce requirements, we have for the first timediscounted until pipeline bottlenecks are addressedworkforce requirements, we have for the first time territory in the summer of 2018, will continue to beexpenditure forecasts to accurately project the industrys and LNG export infrastructure is constructed andlimited our forecast to one year.and LNG export infrastructure is constructed andlimited our forecast to one year. discounted until pipeline bottlenecks are addressedworkforce requirements, we have for the first time operational.operational. and LNG export infrastructure is constructed andlimited our forecast to one yeare. t Update providesThis 2019 Oil and Gas Labour Market Update provides This 2019 Oil and Gas Labour Markoperational. Until additional export capacity becomes available, thean overview of what we expect to occur in 2019, a lookUntil additional export capacity becomes available, thean overview of what we expect to occur in 2019, a look This 2019 Oil and Gas Labour Market Update provides employment outlook for Canadas oil and gas sector willback at what has happened since the 2014 commodityemployment outlook for Canadas oil and gas sector willback at what has happened since the 2014 commodity Until additional export capacity becomes available, thean overview of what we expect to occur in 2019, a look be impacted. So too will the ability to accurately forecastprice crash, and highlights some of the new industrybe impacted. So too will the ability to accurately forecastprice crash, and highlights some of the new industry employment outlook for Canadas oil and gas sector willback at what has happened since the 2014 commodity medium- or long-term labour market requirements. employment and occupational opportunities for themedium- or long-term labour market requirements. employment and occupational opportunities for the be impacted. So too will the ability to accurately forecastprice crash, and highlights some of the new industry medium- or long-tertain markerm labour market conditions, many E&P et requirements. longer term. We hope to follow up this report with a five- Faced with uncertain market conditions, many E&Plonger term. We hope to follow up this report with a five-Faced with unc employment and occupational opportunities for the year labour market forecast in 2020. year labour market forecast in 2020.and oil sands companies have chosen to report onlylonger term. We hope to follow up this report with a five- and oil sands companies have chosen to report only Faced with uncertain market conditions, many E&Pyear labour market forecast in 2020.limited capital and production guidance for 2019. Givenlimited capital and production guidance for 2019. Given and oil sands companies have chosen to report only limited capital and production guidance for 2019. Given HELPING CANADA'S WORKFORCEWhile oil prices have sinceWhile oil prices have since improved, and the curtailmentimproved, and the curtailment While oil prices have since HELPING CANADAS WORKFORCEpursue and advancement tool that is now simpler and easier for users toAll of these initiatives are funded by the Govern-of oil production is expected tofind an ideal career based on their skills, qualifica- ment of Canadas Sectoral Initiatives Program.of oil production is expected to intoimproved, and the curtailment new opportunities in the oil and gas industry wind down over 2019, markettions and preferences. Dashboards have been addedMeanwhile,buildingonapreviousproject,wind down over 2019, market has always been a mandate of PetroLMIthe Petro-of oil production is expected toPetroLMI and its consultants are working on a web-leum Labour Market Division of Energy Safety Cana- for more readily available labour market information access issues continue to weighvarious oil and gas industry sub-sectors and re- based tool that assesses foot-in-the-door criteria foraccess issues continue to weigh da. But equally important these days is19, market wind down over 20 supportingon oil and gas workers, who have faced more than fivegions across Canada, as well as for specific occupa- unemployed or underemployed oil and gas workers on investors and capital investment,to be hired into targeted sectors of Albertas trans- on investors and capital investment, access issues continue to weigh years of disruption in the industry, as they transitiontions. The websites Career Explorer tool includes ac-whichjobs, new sub-sectors of the industry orcess to job postings from sites such as Job Bank andforming energy sector: cleantech, high tech to sup- which in turn impacts employment into newin turn impacts employment on investors and capital investment,Over the coming months, 35 newport the oil and gas ecosystem, oil and gas services even new industries. the BOE Report. growth.launching new tools and resources tooccupation profiles will be added to the current 100and oil and gas-related industrial construction. Thegrowth.PetroLMIich in turn impacts employment wh isdo just that. PetroLMI has just rolled out a newly re- on the site. The new profiles focus on some of theintent of this project is to provide Alberta employers growth. emerging occupations in the industry. Career Explor- with a profile of available workers and increase the vised website at CareersinOilandGas.com, will be in-troducing first-of-its-kind virtual reality tours, and, iner allows workers to browse, search and compareunderstanding of who is available locally, regionally the coming months, releasing a web-based resourceoccupations, while employers can use the tool toand provincially. This project is funded by the Prov-that explores the evolving energy industry, the skillsreview compatible occupations for internal transfersince of Alberta working in partnership with the Gov-required and insight on the available talent in Alberta. and labour force adjustments. ernment of Canada to provide employment support We are excited about these projects because wePetroLMI is also launching two unique extendedprograms and services.believe they will provide valuable information forexperiences to expose job seekers, students and ed- The oil and gas industry is changing and evolving workers who are searching for new or di erent op- ucators to oil and gas occupations. The first, launch- to adapt to new technologies, regulations and mar-portunities or for career advancementinformationing this month, is a 360-degree video tour of auto- ket pricesand with those changes, occupations that has not been as readily available in the past,mated and conventional rig sites, SAGD and miningare shi ing and new roles are being created, says says Energy Safety Canadas Carol Howes, Vice Presi- oil sands operations, a processing plant and pipelineHowes. New priorities are creating demand for new dent of Communications and PetroLMI. facilities. The second tool o ers a gamification expe- skills and knowledge requirements and di erent oc-PetroLMIs revised bilingual website includes sev- rience, using virtual and augmented reality to test acupations.eral added features, including a career self-assess- users aptitude for particular careers. 2019 Oil and Gas Labour Market Update 4 2019 Oil and Gas Labour Market Update 42019 Oil and Gas Labour Market Update 418 THE HITCH FALL 2019WWW.THEHITCH.CA"